2023 Seminar Agenda
Alongside the exhibitors a range of seminars will be held throughout the show at both the FM Seminar Theatre and the Smart Buildings Tech Talks Theatre covering a range of topics from ESG to IoT.
At the FM Theatre in the Facilities Show, Sunil Shah, MD at Acclaro Advisory, in association with Facilities Management Journal will be presenting: Sustainable Procurement in FM – Scope Three emissions and what you need to know at 2:45pm – 3:30pm Tuesday 16th May.
Shah explains: “The SFMI has been capturing the progress with Scope 3 inventories over the past few years. The maturity of Scope 3 emissions is developing, with many organisations still at early stages with simplified or incomplete inventories.
“The first step is to better understand the scope 3 emissions from the services provided and look at where and how these can be reduced. The SFMI Scope 3 FM Standard provides a standardised and consistent way for the emissions to be measured and communicated. Improved decision making can be made with data as to how services are to be provided. The session will look at where the market is heading towards and what good practice looks like together with an overview of the Scope 3 FM Standard.”
Chris Green of Pressac will be giving a Smart Building Tech talk at 10:40am – 11:00am Tuesday 16th May at the Smart Buildings Tech Talks Theatre.
To the end-user, the important thing is analysing and displaying information in a useful way, but before we get to that, the data needs to be collected and shared between systems. Green’s talk will be about the ways this can be done within the IoT world; the advantages of protocols and standards such as MQTT and JSON in keeping your data manageable and controlled, and providing maximum flexibility and control, and retaining ownership of your data even when it hits the cloud.