Home / Building services / Business leader urges building engineering sector to ‘be prouder’ of its role in fighting climate change

Business leader urges building engineering sector to ‘be prouder’ of its role in fighting climate change

Former CBI President Paul Drechsler has highlighted the key role the building engineering sector will play in addressing climate change but said it would need to compete harder for talent to address its skills challenges.

Speaking at the annual Building Engineering Services Association (BESA) President’s Lunch, he said that the industry’s leaders needed to be more vocal about their achievements and promote the role of building services in supporting human health and wellbeing.

“It is not well understood how you can influence the [climate change] agenda,” he told the event hosted by BESA President Neil Brackenridge. “You are in competition for talent with a lot of other major sectors, so you need to stand up and speak proudly about what you are doing.”

Drechsler, who is a former Chairman and Chief Executive of Wates Group and now Chairman of the International Chamber of Commerce, said the industry needed to improve its diversity as “talented people will go where they feel welcome”.

He also described the COP26 climate conference in Glasgow as “firing the starting gun for the toughest marathon ever run” and urged the industry to keep pushing for changes to the VAT regime for building refurbishments that would help reduce carbon emissions from existing buildings.

He said: “The government has made 36 ‘U’ turns in the last 18 months so you can be hopeful that the things you are campaigning for can still happen…including improvements to the apprenticeship levy.”

Brackenridge also urged the industry to listen to its young engineers and give them more opportunities to lead projects.

“Amidst all the controversy and noise around COP26, it was noticeable how many young people were galvanised by it. Young engineers need to be part of the bigger discussion and the climate change crisis is a great opportunity to showcase the opportunities and brilliant careers we offer in this sector.”

However, he described lack of technical competence in some areas as the sector’s ‘Achilles’ heel’ and creating a “fully trained, competent, and technically compliant workforce” would require better collaboration between contractors, manufacturers, colleges, and schools.

“For too long, we have seen young people coming out of the education process with the wrong skills,” Brackenbridge said. “BESA is involved in a major piece of work to update apprenticeships and other forms of technical training. This will make sure we are equipping the next generation with the skills employers need to push forward the net zero and quality building agenda.”

Webinar: Now hiring! Overcoming the challenges of recruiting for soft services.

Recruiting for soft FM services is proving more difficult in the post-Covid workplace. So, what can FMs do to overcome this?

Sara Bean, Editor of FMJ, and Jess Pritchard, Head of Corporate Sector at Moneypenny are joined by panellists:

  • Mark Whittaker, General Manager, Thomson FM & Chair of IWFM
  • Ian Wright, Soft Services Manager, University College London
  • David Bauld, Group Facilities Manager, Paradigm Housing
  • Coleen Cloherty, Director of Build Recruitment

Together they will discuss the current skills shortage in a number of FM areas, ways to keep staff engaged in their job through brilliant culture, and how outsourcing could be a solution to the recruitment issue. Secure your place now for Thursday, 25th November at 11am.

To register click here.


About Sarah OBeirne

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