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data centres

Powering data

Alex Emms, Operations Director at Kohler Uninterruptible Power, looks at the importance of Power Usage Effectiveness to data centres, and how UPS efficiency can contribute to improving it According to an article published in Science magazine , global data centre ...

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Clean data

Data centre management and the cleanliness of the environment are the two main risks that leave data centres exposed, explains Stuart Wells, Business Development Director at ABM Critical Solutions Retail businesses are faced with many risks when it comes to ...

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Uninterruptible Power Supply technologies – current trends and future projections

UPSs use many technologies to fulfil their role, and are subject to a wide range of industry trends. Here, Alan Luscombe, director at Uninterruptible Power Supplies Ltd., a Kohler company, reviews these factors. BATTERIES Currently, the hottest topic is batteries ...

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