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Sodexo ahead of schedule on Net Zero 2040 roadmap

Publishing its annual net zero progress report today, Sodexo UK & Ireland has announced it is now ahead of schedule on its journey to Net Zero 2040.

The comprehensive report which covers the period 1 June 2022 to 31 May 2023, reveals that the company has achieved a 37 per cent reduction in absolute greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions across scopes 1, 2 and 3, compared to its baseline year of 2017. This reduction represents the removal of approximately 400,000 tonnes of carbon (tCO2e) from its footprint at 31 May 2023.

The facilities management and food services business – which was one of the first organisations to have a Science Based Targets initiative approved net zero target – had shown in its net zero transition plan that, to remain on track, it would have needed to achieve at least a 25.5 per cent reduction in absolute GHG emissions by the end of FY23, arriving at 810,886 tCO2e.  Instead, the business achieved a 37 per cent reduction and recorded a footprint of 689,172 tCO2e.

Key achievements highlighted in the report include:

  • Scope 1 & 2 emissions: In the UK and Ireland, Sodexo reduced emissions in its direct control by 50 per cent, through initiatives such as membership in the Climate Group’s RE100; commitment to 100 per cent renewable energy purchases; and a progressive transition to hybrid and electric vehicles. In the last financial year, Sodexo purchased 96 per cent renewable energy.
  • Scope 3 emissions: The business also achieved a 36 per cent reduction in scope 3 GHG emissions – those outside its direct control. Initiatives such as Sodexo’s net zero supply chain engagement strategy; a commitment to sustainable food options; and a robust food waste prevention programme have contributed significantly to this reduction.
  • Flag Targets: Sodexo has now set forest, land and agriculture (FLAG) science-based targets – 40 per cent absolute GHG emissions reduction by 2030 and a 72 per cent reduction by 2040.

Sean Haley, CEO of Sodexo UK & Ireland, commented: “While there is still a long way to go, it is important to take a moment to reflect on quite how much has been achieved since 2010, when we first started working with WWF on our scope 1 and 2 calculations. Today’s announcement is encouraging and will, I am sure, build confidence in our ability to achieve our near and long-term targets to achieve net zero 2040.” 

About Sarah OBeirne

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