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Lost in translation

For FM service providers with large dispersed workforces, staying in contact can be a problem. FM communications specialist Cathy Hayward finds out how different vendors keep in touch with their people The FM sector employs roughly 10 per cent of ...

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Country connectivity

It can be a challenge doing business in the countryside when your broadband doesn’t work, and it’s a headache for FMs says Mike Surrey, Chief Executive of Gigaclear For most businesses today, being able to operate online – to raise ...

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What’s next for the connected workplace?

Trevor Wignall, Digital and Innovation Director for Sodexo UK, discusses the Internet of Things and why sometimes, humans do it better Tech has enabled a seismic shift at home and at work – remember when phones were rudimentary and web ...

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Get smart

Active Workspace Management’s Smart Technology Survey 2018 reveals growing interest in workplace user apps. FMJ reports on the findings and what they might mean for the future of FM service delivery In May, Active Workspace Management partnered with FMJ to ...

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Changing lives for the better through FM

Joanna Harris, FRICS, has recently been appointed as a Controls and Project Engineer at healthcare giant Eli Lilly UK, where she is responsible for the governance of the control systems used on site, along with delivery of major FM projects ...

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Digital developments

A major new software survey conducted by FMJ and SWG has revealed that data goes to the very foundation of FM but uptake of the newest technologies such as AI and sensors remains slow The FM market is buoyant but ...

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Blockchain explained

Blockchain is a relatively new digital technology which is finding its way into the property sector. Polly Plunket-Checkemian, Property Management Director, Broadgate Estates explains what it is and how it could impact the built environment A leading light in the ...

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Smart buildings

The built environment is in a constant state of flux. Architectural styles change and new technologies bring in new structural possibilities. From simple cave dwelling to multi-storey skyscraper; wattle and daub hut to energy efficient Passivhaus; our man-made environment has ...

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Measuring the world’s workplaces – how the best beat the rest

Great employee workplace experience is fast being acknowledged as the foundation to heightened employee engagement. An elite group of employers have recognised this and are using workplace as a tactical tool in competitive advantage. This March, Leesman hosted an event ...

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Matt Peaty, QSHEC Director at Salisbury Group, describes how his company switched from a paper-based accident reporting system to mobile technology – and how this is proving a game-changer on site The constant reporting, monitoring and closing out of health ...

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