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Workplace wellbeing

Mitie becomes EIDA Beacon member

Facilities transformation and management company, Mitie, joins a group of 14 EIDA Beacons recognised for demonstrating extraordinary commitment to tackling domestic abuse, implementing their own robust response and leading the way for workplace responses to domestic abuse in the UK. ...

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Funky Yukka turns 40: Growing greener workspaces for a sustainable future!

Four Decades of Funky Foliage! Funky Yukka, the pioneers of plantastic workspaces, are celebrating a milestone 40th anniversary this year. What began as a small group with a big dream of bringing nature indoors has blossomed into a thriving company, ...

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Enhancing workplace wellbeing

The SFMI 2023 (Sustainable Facilities Management Index) assessments revealed that FMs are now realising the importance of focusing on employee development and wellbeing to help organisations maintain a strong and committed workforce. Which areas should service suppliers and their clients ...

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