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hybrid working

Hybrid working now the norm shows global study

A new study by global workplace consultancy, AWA, of 220 offices in 33 countries, representing nearly 250,000 employees, has revealed that hybrid working is becoming established as the norm, with people now coming into the office an average of just ...

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Over half of UK hybrid workers are concerned about indoor air quality

New research from smart building technology firm, Infogrid, has found over half of hybrid employees in the UK are worried about how healthy their work environments are, with 53 per cent saying they’re concerned poor air quality and ventilation will ...

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Using digital technology to manage wellbeing in the hybrid workplace

Given the widescale adoption of hybrid working, how FMs manage wellbeing at work can no longer be focused solely on the physical office environment. Given this change in workplace work patterns, how can FMs adapt their approach to safeguard employee ...

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Webinar 23rd November: How to control the flow of people and parcels through your facility

According to Pitney Bowes Parcel Shipping Index, worldwide parcel volume is likely to double in the next five years, with the UK showing the highest increase in carrier revenue of all 13 countries in the Index. Alongside a huge uptake ...

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Wates and Lloyds Banking Group competition seeks next generation of sustainability innovations

Wates and Lloyds Banking Group (Lloyds) are launching a competition to find sustainability innovations that can help Lloyds tackle its hybrid working and travel emissions and enhance biodiversity. Green tech innovators and providers of sustainable solutions are invited to showcase ...

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Utilisation data is a key metric for companies rethinking office design amid greater hybrid work

With the increase in hybrid work, access-card swipes, WiFi logins and occupancy sensors are the new data currency for companies rethinking office design, according to a new study by global real estate advisor, CBRE. The study found that companies are ...

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Webinar: How to control the flow of people and parcels through your facility

According to Pitney Bowes Parcel Shipping Index, worldwide parcel volume is likely to double in the next five years, with the UK showing the highest increase in carrier revenue of all 13 countries in the Index. Alongside a huge uptake ...

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Confusion on very definition of hybrid working is causing workplace strife

New research published today by Landsec has revealed a distinct lack of clarity around what ‘hybrid’ working means, with less than one in five UK workers agreeing on a definition. This hybrid ‘hotchpotch’ is having a negative impact on bosses’ ...

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Supporting your workers through a challenging winter

According to the ONS around three in four adults (77 per cent) feel very or somewhat worried about the rising costs of living. Although hybrid working remains a popular option, as energy and food bills continue to soar there’s growing ...

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Home workers should be monitored according to over half of bosses

A new survey carried out by the Chartered Institute of Professional Development (CIPD) in partnership with HR software company HiBob has revealed that more than half of bosses (55 per cent) agree with collecting information on regular home workers, including ...

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